Published articles on other web sites*

Published articles on other web sites*

Windows Phone Developer Tools 7.1 (Beta) install


The beta of the ‘Mango’ Windows Phone Developer Tools 7.1 is ready for download here: vm_web2.exe (the installer). I thought it would appear hereApp Hub Downloads but apparently not so far [UPDATE: download page has been refreshed]. If you have not done so you will also want to register here App Hub.
Final release announced on all devices in the Fall 2011. Mango developerdevices to ship on July 19th. We will track the progress in this blog article until the final release.
Download and Install
You will need to exit Visual Studio and Zune applications before the installation will proceed. The full download looks to be 491 MB. You will also need VS2010 SP1 just as for the Silverlight 5 Beta.

Mango - Windows Phone Developer Tools 7.1 (Beta)
Windows Phone Developer Tools 7.1 (Beta) Mango!
Some of the consumer features:

  • Smarter Apps & Live Tiles
  • Groups
  • Local Scout
  • App Connect
  • Internet Explorer 9
  • Threads
  • Multi-tasking
  • People-centric pictures
  • Quick Cards
  • Enhanced Hubs
    Mango - Internet Beyond the browser
    Mango - Internet Beyond the browser
 New API’s in Silverlight for Windows Phone OS 7.1 on MSDN Library – its big, very big!
New Visual Studio Project Templates
Go open up VS2010 ‘New Project’ and…
Silverlight for Windows Phone templates
Silverlight for Windows Phone templates
 Also XNA…
XNA templates
XNA templates
Emulator Language Support
Full list is here! Now that is a whole lot better than before.
As promised, lots more display languages show up in the settings of the emulator, plenty more regional setting and system locales, at last…

Mango Emulator Display Languages
Mango Emulator Display Languages
Plenty more…

Many more display languages in Mango
Many more display languages in Mango
And here is an example of a warm Dutch welcome to the settings page Mango style… 

Windows Phone Settings in Dutch NL
Windows Phone Settings in Dutch NL
 And if you so desire here is IE9 in the emulator running Bing search under the chinese zh-MO system setting…
WP7 Mango IE Bing Search in chinese zh-MO
WP7 Mango IE Bing Search in chinese zh-MO apparently

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