At the end of my previous blog post, I was left with one more challenge: saving my modified picture to the Pictures Hub. Until shortly I thought that the only way of using the Pictures Hub was through the PhotoChooserTask or the CameraCaptureTask. Luckily I came across the MediaLibrary-class from the XNA-framework, who gives much more possibilities for accessing your pictures.
To start I needed to add a reference to Microsoft.Xna.Framework. This results in an alarming message :
At first I tried to do some experimenting with the MediaLibrary. Let’s start by simply getting the number of pictures I have on the emulator :
That works nice. The Medialibrary has several collection I can use, like Pictures, Songs, Genres,…
Next step : lets create a little slideshow-app for iterating through my pictures. I start out with a simple page :
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,0,12,0">
<RowDefinition Height="523*" />
<RowDefinition Height="84*" />
<Image Name="image1" Stretch="Fill" />
<Grid Grid.Row="1" Name="grid1">
<Button Content=">>" Grid.Column="1" Name="btnGoForward"
Click="btnGoForward_Click" />
<Button Content="<<" Name="btnGoBack" Click="btnGoBack_Click" />
The code looks like this :
1: public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
2: {
3: int nrOfPics;
4: int picNr = 0;
5: MediaLibrary ml;
6: BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage();
8: // Constructor
9: public MainPage()
10: {
11: InitializeComponent();
12: }
14: private void PhoneApplicationPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
15: {
16: ml = new MediaLibrary();
17: nrOfPics = ml.Pictures.Count;
18: MessageBox.Show(nrOfPics.ToString());
20: ShowImage();
21: }
23: private void ShowImage()
24: {
25: img.SetSource(ml.Pictures[picNr].GetImage());
26: image1.Source = img;
27: }
29: private void btnGoBack_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
30: {
31: if (--picNr<0)
32: {
33: picNr = nrOfPics - 1;
34: }
35: ShowImage();
36: }
38: private void btnGoForward_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
39: {
40: if (++picNr>=nrOfPics)
41: {
42: picNr = 0;
43: }
44: ShowImage();
45: }
46: }
Let's now return to the application created during my previous blog post. In the "Save Img" code we opened another page that simply showed the image with copyright-message. Let's now change the loaded-event of the WrittenImage-page so we can save the image :
WriteableBitmap bmp = PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["bmp"] as WriteableBitmap;
writtenImage.Source = bmp;
MediaLibrary ml = new MediaLibrary();
Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
bmp.SaveJpeg(stream, bmp.PixelWidth, bmp.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
ml.SavePicture("u2uPic.jpg", stream);
MessageBox.Show("Picture Saved...");
The SaveJpeg-method from WritableBitmap gives me a Stream containing the image in jpg-format. SavePicture saves the image in the MediaLibrary. However: it doesn't work ! It took me some time to find out why: It seems that the position of the stream remains at the end-position. Insert this line of code just before the SavePicture-call to make it work:
It's working !! Cool.
Next step: let's deploy these two apps to my device and test. Not working ! How the hell is that possible ? Retesting in the emulator : works fine. Retesting on device: not working. Aaaaargh !! Disconnecting my device, going over to a colleague to ventilate my frustration and see that all of a sudden it is working !! Seems that for this thing to work, it needs to be disconnected from the PC.
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