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Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit

Microsoft has released an update for the Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Course which includes 50 labs, 22 demos, 16 presentations and 12 videos to help you learn how to utilize the Visual Studio 2010 features and a variety of framework technologies including: C# 4.0, VB.NET 10, F#, ASP.NET 4, Silverlight 4 , Parallel computing, WCF, WF, WPF, EF 4.0, ADO.NET Data Services, VSTS and Windows Azure.
Download Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit
Here are some new demos included:
Silverlight 4:
  • Hands-on Lab - Migrating a Windows Forms Application to Silverlight
  • Hands-on Lab - Migrating an ASP.NET Web Forms Application to Silverlight
  • Hands-on Lab - Working with Panels, XAML and Controls
  • Hands-on Lab - Silverlight Data Binding
  • Hands-on Lab - Migrating Existing Applications to Out-of-Browser
  • Hands-on Lab - Great UX with Blend
  • Hands-on Lab - Web Services and Silverlight
  • Hands-on Lab - Using WCF RIA Services
  • Hands-on Lab - Deep Dive into Out of Browser
  • Hands-on Lab - Using the MVVM Pattern in Silverlight Applications
Windows Azure:
  • Hands-on Lab – Introduction to Windows Azure
  • Hands-on Lab – Debugging Applications in Windows Azure
  • Demo Script – Hello Windows Azure
  • Demo Script – Deploying Windows Azure Services
  • Presentation – Windows Azure Platform Overview
  • Video – What is Windows Azure?

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